Headshot of Joan Iacono For Venice City Council

Joan Iacono for Venice Council

An Independent Candidate Who Puts People First

Running to make the voices of Venice citizens heard and to stop the overdevelopment threatening our Neighborhoods

Joan Iacono for Venice Council

Headshot of Joan Iacono For Venice City Council

An Independent Candidate Who Puts People First

Running to make the voices of Venice citizens heard and to stop the overdevelopment threatening our Neighborhoods

Joan Iacono for Venice Council

Headshot of Joan Iacono For Venice City Council

An Independent Candidate Who Puts People First

Running to make the voices of Venice citizens heard and to stop the overdevelopment threatening our Neighborhoods

  • Not Swayed
    by Any Political Party

  • Clean Campaign
    Pledge Signed

  • Supports Saving
    Annual Venice Elections

Not Swayed by Any Political Party

Clean Campaign Pledge Signed

Supports Saving Annual Venice Elections

Not Swayed by Any Political Party

Clean Campaign
Pledge Signed

Supports Saving Annual Venice Elections

A Message from Joan... watch the above video to learn why Joan Iacono is running for Venice Council Seat 4.

You Deserve to Be Heard

The current City Council doesn’t seem to be listening to the citizens of Venice. They have ignored loud public outcry on three recent issues:

  1. The Council continues to force citizens to take drastic measures to be heard. Venice Unites collected more than 2,200 signatures on petitions to get the Council to make necessary changes to the land development rules.
  2. North Venice Neighborhood Alliance collected $40,000 to sue the council in an effort to stop a Publix shopping center from being built in a long- established neighborhood on what should have been a protected wetland.
  3. The third example is the most recent. The Council voted to change the way we have held annual elections for 98 years. The Council voted not to get input from the Charter Review Board, but instead voted to place a referendum on the upcoming ballot to benefit incumbents. If passed, three current Council members will get an additional year. Venice Citizens organized a group called SAVE (Save Annual Venice Elections) to oppose the referendum.

I believe that the City Council members are elected to represent and serve the people of the City. They must listen to peoples’ concerns about the issues and policies that affect them in their neighborhoods and their homes. That’s why I’m running for Seat #4 on the City Council. I promise to listen to the public before voting and I will make decisions that protect and put our people first.

Joan Listens!

Venice citizens gather on Venice Beach to watch the sunset

Fighting for Citizens
to Be Heard

If it’s important to you, it will be important to me. I’m shocked that our residents have had to work so hard, repeatedly, to make the council hear what’s important to them. I promise I will take the time to listen to you the public and keep your concerns at the forefront when I am voting. The deep pocket should not overshadow the interests of the many.

Venice Sunset Orange Sun over The Water

Pushing Back
Against Overdevelopment

I will work to reign in overdevelopment, protecting residents from the unconscionable bait and switch tactics of developers. I will vote to prevent Venice from becoming a sea of high-rises and traffic packed seven lane roads. We have a Comprehensive Plan and we need to be guided by it. I will work to protect our wetlands and open spaces, our Gulf and our unique natural terrain.

Joan Iacono Speaks At Venice City Council Meeting On July 9, 2024

Standing For Responsibility
in City Council

A member of the Council admitted to not reading hundreds of pages of rules before voting them into law. This is irresponsible! Property values in the City have soared over the last decade. As a result, taxes have increased. I will push for fiscal restraint and make sure your tax dollars are spent wisely.

Joan Listens!

Fighting for Citizens
to Be Heard

Venice citizens gather on Venice Beach to watch the sunset

If it’s important to you, it will be important to me. I’m shocked that our residents have had to work so hard, repeatedly, to make the council hear what’s important to them. I promise I will take the time to listen to you the public and keep your concerns at the forefront when I am voting. The deep pocket should not overshadow the interests of the many.

Pushing Back Against Overdevelopment

Venice Sunset Orange Sun over The Water

I will work to reign in overdevelopment, protecting residents from the unconscionable bait and switch tactics of developers. I will vote to prevent Venice from becoming a sea of high-rises and traffic packed seven lane roads. We have a Comprehensive Plan and we need to be guided by it. I will work to protect our wetlands and open spaces, our Gulf and our unique natural terrain.

Standing For Responsibility in City Council

Joan Iacono Speaks At Venice City Council Meeting On July 9, 2024

A member of the Council admitted to not reading hundreds of pages of rules before voting them into law. This is irresponsible! Property values in the City have soared over the last decade. As a result, taxes have increased. I will push for fiscal restraint and make sure your tax dollars are spent wisely.

Joan Listens!

Joan was truly upset when we visited the wetlands on Laurel Road that Pat Neal plans to pave over for a Publix store. ~ Barbara Desmond, former Venice Planning Commission Member

Joan was truly upset when we visited the wetlands on Laurel Road that Pat Neal plans to pave over for a Publix store. ~ Barbara Desmond, former Venice Planning Commission Member

Take These 3 Steps for Venice

  • Feb 16, 2022

    STEP 1: Get the Facts

    Don't go into the election Blind. Know the Facts and vote for the issues you care about

  • Feb 16, 2022

    STEP 2: How to Help

    DONATE if you can
    Display a yard sign
    Call your friends, walk your neighborhood with me
    Host a meet and greet
    Allow me to use your name as an endorsement

  • Feb 16, 2022

    STEP 3: Vote for Joan!

    Register to Vote by Oct 7
    Early Voting Oct 21 to Nov 3rd
    Vote-by-mail ballots will be mailed starting Sept 26
    Request a vote-by-mail ballot by Oct 24, 5pm

Fighting for Venice and Its Citizens

As a proud Venice citizen, the issue of overdevelopment is dear to my heart. I live in Bird Bay, the oldest Planned Unit Development in the City. We are fighting to prevent a developer from building homes on our golf course, long after the community was fully built, breaking the promises made to the community decades ago.

Other communities face similar threats.

The Sawgrass community in Central Venice is just one example. The City has created concerns about development of their Golf Course by failing to re-zone the property as promised when it was annexed to the City.

In North Venice a wetland in the Milano subdivision promised by the Plan to remain a wetland is slated to become a Publix shopping center because the city council abruptly approved a zoning change over the objection of the affected neighborhood residents. Those residents went so far as to raise $40,000 to sue the City Council in an unsuccessful effort to make them fulfill their promise.

I believe the Council should not be allowed to make major changes like this without the consent of the people most affected by those changes; people who invested their life savings based on promises made to them. And I believe that our citizens should not have to fight to make their elected representatives listen to them.

I know firsthand what its like to be ignored by the very people I elected to serve my community. That’s why I am running for City Council. I want to protect our citizens from the greed that wants to take advantage of us and our city, and I want to ensure that all citizens are heard.

If you want your voice to be heard please vote for me on November 5th. I’ll have your back!

Independent Thinker
Demand Accountability

Headshot of Joan Iacono For Venice City Council

Communities Matter
Resist Overdevelopment

Vote for Joan!

"I'll have your back" - Joan Iacono

Fighting for Venice and Its Citizens

As a proud Venice citizen, the issue of overdevelopment is dear to my heart. I live in Bird Bay, the oldest Planned Unit Development in the City. We are fighting to prevent a developer from building homes on our golf course, long after the community was fully built, breaking the promises made to the community decades ago.

Other communities face similar threats.

The Sawgrass community in Central Venice is just one example. The City has created concerns about development of their Golf Course by failing to re-zone the property as promised when it was annexed to the City.

In North Venice a wetland in the Milano subdivision promised by the Plan to remain a wetland is slated to become a Publix shopping center because the city council abruptly approved a zoning change over the objection of the affected neighborhood residents. Those residents went so far as to raise $40,000 to sue the City Council in an unsuccessful effort to make them fulfill their promise.

I believe the Council should not be allowed to make major changes like this without the consent of the people most affected by those changes; people who invested their life savings based on promises made to them. And I believe that our citizens should not have to fight to make their elected representatives listen to them.

I know firsthand what its like to be ignored by the very people I elected to serve my community. That’s why I am running for City Council. I want to protect our citizens from the greed that wants to take advantage of us and our city, and I want to ensure that all citizens are heard.

If you want your voice to be heard please vote for me on November 5th. I’ll have your back!

Independent Thinker

Communities Matter

Vote for Joan!

Headshot of Joan Iacono For Venice City Council

"I'll have your back"
- Joan Iacono

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